Spirit Fingers Agenda- November 19, 2012
***Attendance= sign the sheet with your focus group teacher listed at the top!
1. Check back on Rock Band. (Brigitte)
2. Upcoming activities and opportunities:
*Scorekeepers for basketball season are needed! Training will be provided.
See dates/times on handout provided.
*Reynolds Wear sales! Help still needed on the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and
*Intramural Basketball begins tomorrow- Chiara
3. Melissa- opportunity to help those impacted by "Sandy".
4. New business.
*Christmas Activites? Partner/group brainstorm of ideas.
*Any other activites being organized? Karaoke anyone?
5. Reminder of next meetings:
*Nov. 22 Action Now
*Nov. 26 = Focus Group Meeting
6. Chance to meet to plan and discuss activities!