When you get warning/error messages
choose to continue anyway
Login with usual school login and password
If you have not logged on before you will get to a Profile Page
Add in the information with stars only
At bottom of page click on “update profile”
Once you have done this or if you have already logged into Moodle before you will get a page that has your name at the top...at
the bottom is a box with Reynolds in it: click on the box
Now you will be at a page to choose courses to join... choose 2ndLeadership
You will see this: You are about to enrol yourself as a member of this course. Are you sure you wish to do this?
Top of Form
of Form
Top of Form
of Form
choose Yes
Now you will be at theLeadership page...check it out (lots of information documents)... at the very bottom are all the skill
development modules (you must do a minium of one of these)
log hours and enter in all other leadership documentation, find your graduating year...
on “attempt quiz” for each documentation section... this is just the spot where you will add in your information
so we can check it....you can keep saving and updating –USE
MIDDLE BUTTON –submit and Save... you must submit all your hours twice a year (1st week of
December and 1st week of May).. Each time you return to add more information just "continue last attempt".
the beginning of the second semester you will need to complete your Goals Submission and yourSelf-Assessment should be completed by June 1st
out when you are done your sessionJ
Thank you for your patience in learning this new system.We believe it will be much better in the long run.