YESBC is a not for profit organization
dedicated to raising awareness of sustainable issues and empowering youth to be environmental leaders.
We are excited to be able to share student
accomplishments with the world via various media. The media may include but not
limited to television, radio, newspaper, magazine and the world wide web. Part
of the motivation for students is that parents and the community members will be able to view their work and accomplishments
with pride. Part of sharing the students’ work includes describing via
words and pictures the work done by the student and publicly crediting the student with the accomplishments. While we wish to share widely the amazing creativity and accomplishments of students we are sensitive to
the fact that not all parents may wish to have their child’s identity revealed through the media in one or more of its
various forms. If parents do not wish to have their child’s identity revealed
they should not sign this permission form.
I hereby grant to YESBC, its representatives
or assigns, permission to use the name, photograph, work and/or accomplishments of/by
Minor’s Name
a minor, in conjunction with its presentation
of work done by the minor and the minor’s accomplishments to the general public via various forms of media and hereby
release, discharge, and agree to save harmless YESBC, its officers, employees, legal representatives and assigns and all persons
acting under its permission or authority from any liability arising from the dissemination of the work and accomplishments
of the minor through various media or subsequent uses of the minor’s work and accomplishments including without limitation
any claims for libel or invasion of privacy. I also warrant that I am the legal
guardian of the aforementioned minor.
Parent or Guardian
Parent or Guardian
Signed this _____ day of _____________,
201____ at ______________, BC