11 common-sense learning principles:
- Tell stories. We remember good stories, and the lessons endure.
- Play games. Games involve the learner and many senses, foster high-level thinking, reinforce the value of goals and rules,
and show outcomes.
- Explore and experiment. Immediately engaging learners motivates them to discover what they need to know more about.
- Use pictures. Visuals add meaning, a framework, and relevance.
- Have a coach. Learning is incomplete without one.
- Learn with others. Interaction among peers is when ideas are discussed, reality is checked, and lessons are applied and
- Focus on what's important. Limit in-depth teaching to a few key ideas. Take recess. Understanding can't be rushed. It
must evolve within the interaction of information, ideas, time, and the situation.
- Have lunch. Learning can be fostered in casual and informal settings.
- Be passionate. Passion can have a direct bearing on motivation to learn. Keep learning. The quicker you can learn, the
more valuable you are